Clear Aligners

A clear path to a straighter smile

Our office is proud to offer custom clear aligners as well as to be a 20-year provider of Invisalign®.


Clear Aligners & Invisalign for Adult Treatment

Looking to improve your smile? Busy adults who don’t want to put their life on pause can get the smile of their dreams, invisibly with clear aligners like Invisalign or our own custom printed Forster Clear Aligners.


Clear Aligners & Invisalign Teen

If your teen doesn’t love the idea of having braces, we get it. It’s one of the reasons why we offer Invisalign® Teen and Forster Clear Aligners, each provide a clear alternative to brackets and wires, and are specifically developed to meet teens’ unique orthodontic needs. All of our clear aligners are custom fit with a comfortable design and are virtually invisible. They can be removed for 1-2 hours a day without impacting results which makes meal time stress free and without food limitations. Invisalign and Forster Clear Aligners mean less orthodontic related sports emergencies, more confidence in front of the camera and no missed rehearsals for the school play.

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Clear Aligners & Invisalign First for our Youngest Patients

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child be seen by an orthodontist around age seven as certain orthodontic issues can be spotted early and addressed with early interceptive treatment before the permanent teeth are all in. Early orthodontics, or phase 1 treatment, lets us guide teeth and jaw development  avoiding more extensive treatment later. At Forster Orthodontics, we’re a leader in early interceptive treatment and  Invisalign is one of the important tools in our kit. Using Invisalign® First, a system of cutting-edge, clear aligners designed specifically for growing patients, Dr. Forster can offer quick and comfortable Invisalign treatment to our youngest patients in Rhode Island with excellent results.

The benefits speak for themselves:

Faster treatment

With frequent aligner changes, you’re on your way to the smile you want faster than ever.


With Invisalign and Forster Clear Aligners we can treat a wide range of conditions, including crossbites, crowding, open bites, spacing, overbites, and underbites.

Virtually invisible

Most people won’t even know you’re going through treatment, because Forster Clear Aligners and Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible!


Smooth and comfortable to wear, Invisalign and Forster Clear Aligner trays are also removable. That means you can continue doing all the things you normally would, from brushing and flossing to eating whatever you like.


Invisalign and Forster Clear Aligner treatment are ideal for busy schedules. Appointments are typically spaced 6-8 weeks apart and we do our best to work around your routines.


At Forster Orthodontics we care about our earth and the environment. Every aligner used in your treatment, whether our own Forster Clear Aligners or Invisalign, are recyclable.

The Clear Aligner Treatment Process

At your initial consultation, we will discuss your orthodontic needs and evaluate whether Invisalign or Forster Clear Aligner treatment is right for you.

We will use our iTero® digital scanning system to create fast and precise 3D digital images of your teeth. Using these images, Dr. Forster will map out a precise treatment plan, including the exact movements of your teeth and how long your treatment will last. We can even show you  how your teeth will move and let you preview your new smile!

Your custom-made aligners are  virtually invisible, so your teeth straightening can remain a well kept secret - most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them!. For best results, wear your Invisalign or Forster Clear Aligners 20 to 22 hours a day, taking them out to eat, brush, and floss.

Your teeth will gently and gradually shift into place as you wear each new set of aligners, as prescribed. We will track your progress scheduling checkups sparingly.

When your treatment is complete, we’ll provide you with a retainer. Wearing your retainer regularly will help keep your beautiful smile looking great and your bite healthy.

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